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Panopticum AreaFX (Plugins for After Effects, Win) 1.0

Panopticum AreaFX (Plugins for After Effects, Win) 1.0

Panopticum AreaFX (Plugins for After Effects, Win) Publisher's Description

Panopticum Area FX 1.0 consists of three filters: Area Transformer, Area Wipe and Area Filler.

Area Transformer is a tool for applying identical effects for independent parts of image. Among available effects are geometric transformations (rotation, scaling, shearing), transparency, blurriness, glow and halo changing as well as others.

Area Wipe is a tool especially designed for appearance/disappearance effect of complex images with some pronounced parts like text letters. Unlike other Wipe-type effects, this one can be applied to each symbol or image part separately.

Area Filler is a tool especially designed for continuous filling of connected image areas. Imagine that you have spilled a bucket of paint on your image. The paint will spread continuously over the cuts of your image.

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